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Elevate Your Consistency by Elevation Mindset

Overview of Elevate Your Consistency

This month the Elevation Mindset duo Michael and Suzanne will go deep into how to Elevate our Consistency in an unstable world.

We’re going beyond the conversation on habits, as we always do, as CONSISTENCY’S deep roots stem from our IDENTITY & BELIEFS.

We’re talking about the importance and power of CONSISTENCY.

Who is Elevate Your Consistency for

For those who find themselves missing the step in the cycle of mastery, being consistent with your practice.

Those that struggle to get to the next level, because they start and stop the next best thing quickly in and out, before learning the lesson in the first iterations, and later iterations.

Those wanting to build their skills, values, strategies, and not finding where to start, or motivation to continue.

What you will learn

You see when it comes to consistency it’s not just about showing up its about HOW YOU SHOW UP, it’s about repeat performance to the point where it’s no longer a “performance” it becomes law or rule, it becomes identity, it becomes a standard, an integral part of you and testament to what others can expect from you.

About the Organizers

Michael is a Certified Lifebook Leader, Life Coach at Elevate Your Best, and personal development nut that is learning to find his own voice by serving the communities that he resonates with.

Headshot of Michael

Suzanne Buchanan of Karat Communications is a career communications specialist and global conflict resolution facilitator on a mission to support the chronically ill community to live engaged, impactful lives not defined by their illness.

Together, Suzanne and Michael have held 19 of these summits as Elevation Mindset, and go live on a different topic critical to our personal and professional growth and promise to never tell you if you follow these 3 steps you’ll bring world peace, get rich, and cure disease.

Come Elevate with us!

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