Suzanne and I did it again. We brought together some amazing speakers, and this time it was to talk about flow. We had the first conversation on Tuesday, March 2nd. But there is time to listen to these amazing speakers again as we hone our skills, and do our best to deliver a valuable conversation with you, with authenticity and real experiences.

What is flow to you? This is called by many things. The Zone, In Flow, Universal Consciousness, etc. When have you felt that everything just was working, solutions were at your fingertips, and nothing could slow you down? Would you like to be in that state more often, and intentionally? Come continue this conversation so that we can discover move about flow.
We have brought you Adrian Rose, a beautiful soul to talk about her experience with the difference between Flow and Push energy.
We also have Matthew Berthot, a voice coach, and coach to help people find their voice in the business world as well.
And lastly, my partner in Elevate!, Suzanne Buchanan will be speaking about how flow has impacted her life, and her ability to stand tall at 5’2″ when she has tapped into flow.
Join us Saturday, March 6th at 11AM EST. Sign up for a ticket and a link to the summit at the following link. Join us for Elevate Your Flow.
We look forward to seeing you there.
If you have any trouble or questions, feel free to Contact Me.